November Goals Recap

Monday, December 02, 2013

So...thoughts of blogging more regularly fell to the wayside in November, but at least it wasn't one of my top goals.  As to how the rest of my goals went... 

Project Life redone:  Complete!  Loved my new approach to Project Life.  I am working on a post about this and how things have changed for me.  It is my new favorite way of documenting and I'm looking forward to putting all the December memories into my album!

Complete Christmas cards:  Double complete!  I am so happy to have these completed this year!  This is one of those many things on my list that don't get checked off and I feel pretty bummed out that I didn't finish it.  A few late hours on November 30th and a half day on December 1st had me staring at a lovely pile of handmade cards and envelopes ready to be mailed.  All that's left is a quick double-check addresses and we're ready to go!

Start a new tradition:  Gratitude Journal:  Sadly, this was not done this last month.  I do have thoughts of back filling in some 3x4 cards in my November section so we can at least document what we are grateful for this past year.  It may not be what I had envisioned, but I would rather have it documented than forgotten.

Major clean the house:  Halfway complete!  Cleaning is always a work in progress but I do think we made a dent.  Lugging out the holiday bins doesn't make it look like it, but I think we're getting there!  My deadline on having this complete is the 15th of December when my sister-in-law flies into town.

Two out of four isn't bad.  Looking forward to writing my list down for December.  I think I'll keep it simple this time.   


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