Handmade Natural Carpet Freshener

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Ever since I moved into our new home, I have been inspired to be a little more green in our lives.  Evidence #1...making a dedicated area for recycling.  I wasn't expecting to do anything life changing, just small steps like composting and recycling.  Buying recycled sponges like these for example.  I like it because I feel as if I'm doing my part in saving the world...my very small part but still important!

Fast forward to just a few months ago, I discovered a new love of DIY/home decor blogs.  Combining my love of crafting with transforming my house into a home is a total win-win for me.  Now my mind has been chock full of all these DIY ideas.  I just need to get off my butt and do them!

One of those ideas that I just had to do right away was this homemade natural carpet freshener that I saw on Gerbera Designs.  I couldn't get over how crazy simple it was to make this.  Just three ingredients and all of them natural and non-toxic.  With three cats running around the house and literally getting into everything, I need to be careful in what cleaning products I use.  I did make a slight tweak in the original recipe.  Here is the recipe I use:

Natural Carpet Freshener


1/2 cup lavender buds (original recipe had 1 cup)
1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup corn starch

Place all ingredients into a food processor.  Press and hold Pulse button until fully combined.  Store in an airtight jar until ready for use.

I love labeling things.

I can guarantee that the lavender smell will permeate your house as you let this freshener do its work.  Favorite smell ever! 

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