October Goals Recap

Thursday, October 31, 2013

In the beginning of this month, I decided to push myself to complete five goals.  Starting yoga and finishing my privacy window project was not meant to be, but three out of five is still excellent.  Those three goals I completed were actually at the top of my list. 

Post on blog at least once a week.  I am happy to say that I completed this goal!  I have really enjoyed blogging this past month and I think I even found a method to the madness to help me stick to it.  It felt good having my creativity come alive again.  I'm looking forward to making this goal more of a hobby in the coming months rather than something I have to actively push myself to do.  I would like to consistently post twice a week.  Ambitious, right?

Paint front door.  Complete!  Eleven coats of paint later and I am now the proud owner of a happy door.  Read about how I did it here.

Start Christmas cards.  Complete!  As of last night, I have the foundations of all the cards die-cut and ready to go!  Left on my list:  family photos, card design, addressing, and mailing.  Oddly enough, I am horrible when it comes to mailing personal packages on time.  I mean it...horrible!  I still have my best friend's birthday gifts sitting on my table and her birthday was in June.  I don't know what it is.  The I&S shop is always prompt, but Christine, the person, is sadly not.  Hence me starting this card making process early.

It felt great being able to cross items off my goal list.  So good, in fact, that I would like to try this again in November to keep myself focused.

Do you have any goals that you are thinking of tackling in November?

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